Lesson 3 - Taped Rainbow Animals
Lesson 5 - Picasso Dogs 3D

Lesson 4 - Folded Critter-Puppets with Luna

Lunabanner copy

Hi and welcome to Lesson 4!

Today we have a wonderful guest instructor, Luna Russell (14). Get ready to make some cute critters!

Have fun!



Lesson 4 Supplies:

• typing paper (or thin paper), trimmed to a square format

• pencil

• scissors

• markers

• index card

• optional: fancy paper for detailing, glue stick


Lesson 4 Video:

Kids Art Week 2018! Lesson 4 "Folded Critter-Puppets with Luna"

If you would like to download this video, click the link above and you will find download links below the video screen window. 


Lesson 4


1. Fold your paper down as shown, except the last two steps (image from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_fortune_teller):


2. Draw eyes, nose and "tummy" with pencil on Side A:


3. Turn over, and draw brain, heart and tongue on Side B:


4. Optional: Turn to Side A and sketch in ears and round out body; trim.

5. Outline pencil drawings in ink.

6. Color with markers. (And optionally add ears, wings, horns, paws, etc.)

7. Finish the last two steps of the fold, and play! 


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